Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tipping Point - Can We Talk?

Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell Reading Tipping Point? Let's Talk! After all this time, I finally picked up my own copy of Tipping Point yesterday while waiting to pick up my car. I have got to say that Tipping Point is one of those books that is hard to explain in a few words but its very thought provoking and engaging to read.

I'm an obsessive thinker - wondering if I've got a "handle" on whatever I'm discovering. Gladwell has written a book that explains phenomenon at the core - PEOPLE. Tipping Point reads like a high thinking but private chat with Gladwell. He pulls information (stories, facts and statistics) from all over the societal map then ties it all together to explain ideas, change, motivation and random occurances. Still sound hard on your thought process? It's not ~ really, its just my lack of words to explain a great book.

If you've read it or if you are reading Tipping Point now...tell me ~ what do you think? Yawning - Did you catch a yawn?


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