Monday, August 14, 2006

Why selling on eBay is a real home business opportunity...

Your Home Business Online - Starting Your Own Internet Auction Business
c) 2006 by Jason James - Auction Resource Network

Many of us dream of owning our own business and taking control of our financial destiny but precious few of us ever dare to take that chance. Of those that do risk everything for the chance to control our destiny by opening up our own company, the majority fail and are forced to rejoin the workforce again in shame. An Internet auction business may be the best chance most of us have to actually realize that dream of independence.

Auction selling via the Internet offers people a chance to start a company with very little money or resources. A lack of start up capital is the primary obstacle preventing most people from being able to own a company of their very own and stop working for other people.

Because you can enter into the world of online auctions on a part-time basis and make some extra money while still hanging onto your job until things take off, the risk of losing assets such as cars or homes is nonexistent. You will be making money from the start if done properly and you won't need to take out a second mortgage to finance the start up costs.

Study the Site

An Internet auction is not complicated to initiate or run, but it can be more involved than you would think. Since you are new to the world of auction selling it would probably be your best bet to use a site like Ebay to list your items. With relatively low costs and over 10 million visitors coming to the site every month, Ebay or sites like it are where you want to begin listing items for your online auctions.

One of the biggest mistakes new Internet auction business owners make is to rush head forward into posting their first item and waiting for the bids to roll in. Unfortunately, more often than not, those precious bids never come and people give up before ever really giving the process a chance.

You will want to study the Ebay business website and familiarize yourself with how it works before posting any listing. Go through and find all of the tools offered that you think are relevant to your particular needs. Read the advice offered by Ebay or the hosting site you are using because there is definitely a wealth of information at your fingertips that will help you succeed if you take the time to use it!

Start Small

You are not going to want to list any large ticket items in the beginning. This is because Ebay and sites like it use a feedback rating system to help people determine who is a reputable seller and who is not. Your rating will be zero at first so the chances of someone being willing to take a chance on buying something expensive from you when they have no idea about your business ethics are practically zero.

You are going to want to sell lower priced items at first to both familiarize yourself with the process and build your feedback ratings. In fact, you may even want to buy something through the site first because this will help you safely build your rating while showing you how things look from the buyer's perspective.

After you have built up both your rating and your confidence (while putting some cash into your pockets!), you then will have a much better chance at selling a more expensive item. Building your own Internet auction business will take some time, a lot of patience, and hours of research if you really want to be successful and stop working for other people.

Jason James is a 10 year Internet marketing veteran and an eBay Seller of 4 years. His website "The Auction Resource Network" reveals his inside secrets, tips, and sources that help him pocket over $10,000 per month on eBay. His proven step-by-step system shows even users with little or no business experience how they too can make huge profits selling products at online auctions.

More Jason James articles can be found on WAHM Connections here.

Internet Marketing - Something Rotten in WAHM - ville....

WAHM - You see this acronym across the internet... Work at Home Mom. I know my main website is WAHM Connections so it might look like I am shooting myself in the foot with this week's newsletter BUT after two years of working online, I've decided to be up front about some of the lies and misconceptions about online marketing. Nope - I'm not talking about fast talking internet marketing gurus that pull a fast one with their ad copy. I'm talking about a segment of the "work at home mom" community. There are alot of women that run their home business online and stay smack dab in the middle of groups, networks, etc of other WAHM business owners.

This week's issue of my WAHM Newsletter has alot of great information but the most important aspect is where I set the record straight on some of the online marketing strategies put out there by well meaning but misdirected WAHM business owners.

You can read this week's issue up online HERE then I'd love to talk to you about it here or on one of the blogs on my site WAHM Connections


Information Product Creation - Step by Step Guide to Create Your own Info Product

Create Your Own Information Product - Sonic Info Riches is ready ~ If you want to create an info product but don't
know how to get started then Sonic Info Riches is perfect. This step-by-step guide to coming up with product ideas, evaluating them for the target market, prioritizing them,
and then building the outline that will ensure a well-received information product is all part of Sonic Info Riches.


Stylish Laptop Bag - Cool Laptop Totes... Who knew!

Stylish Laptop Bag - I must truly be a redneck because I've never seen such cool laptop bags for women. In particular this beautiful tote in Jade - but I even found a pink laptop bag or tote if that's what you call it. Actually, I was looking through Franklin Covey for (and yes, I found one!) a college planner with room for tests and projects etc for my daughter that is returning to college. But I digress, if you are looking for laptop tote bags that are stylish, cool, even fun then Franklin Covey has them here => This one is my favorite...
Pienza Laptop Tote - Jade

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Blog - For lack of a better word... serious bloggers connect people

Having my own blog has given me a whole new way to connect with other people.

This particular blog may not scream READ ME but that is going to change FAST! I have other blogs that I've used to talk about things that matter to me - personally and professionally that do have a small faithful following. Just this week, I've decided to let this spot on the net be where we can talk about blogs, blogging and the people behind the blogs that impact our lives, our business and the world around us.

So how about you? Do you have your own blog(s)? I'd love to have you say HI and leave a comment so I can visit your blog - an easy step to know more about YOU. If you read blogs but haven't taken the plunge yet... that's okay. My favorite resource for getting ready to seriously write AND connect using a blog is Patsi and Denise's ebook "The Build a Better Blog System"

Here's what you get with this ebook. (Patsi and Denise have really made blogging a professional medium for promoting yourself and your business)

Build a Better Blog System
Why publish a business blog
7-step worksheet
Blog design
Set-up tutorials, step-by-step
How to set up Typelists
RSS Feed Readers
Add me to your TypePad people list
Set up Amazon Affiliate and book list
Getting subscribers: Bloglet Tutorial
Password Protecting a Site
What is Pinging?
What is a Trackback link?
What is a Permalink?
Writing for your blog
How Often Should You Post on Your Blog?
Keys to writing effective posts
Top 10 Reasons to Do an Ezine AND a blog
Top 10 Reasons to Use a Blog to Deliver Your Ezine
16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog
How to get your blog listed on Yahoo
How to get your blog listed on MSN
And much, more more.

The tutorials and articles will provide you with detailed steps on how to set up and maintain a professional blog that is designed to represent your company's visual identity and create effective client relationships.

Most online professionals using blogs today have found that their rankings with search engines have improved, traffic to their websites has increased,
and business opportunities have expanded rapidly.

Honestly, I know you don't be left behind. Blogs work for building business and getting more clients. Besides, you get to put your blog link whenever you make a comment on a blog that inspires you. How cool is that? You do your own link building using your thoughts, words and expertise that lets others know exactly how to find you. Social connection is what we want - business or fun - it's all in the connecting. Build a Better Blog System

WAHM Connections

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Blog Neglect - A Crying Shame ....

Starting a blog that isn't taken care of - nurtured along and bathed in encouragement, is a crying shame. Now, I know I haven't done as much with this particular blog because I'm rather bitter about what Blogger did with my first WAHM Connections blogbut honestly, this blog deserves better than what I've given. I put a great deal of energy into my WAHM Resources and Marketing Basics blogs. Why not this one?

Still unsure but ready to remedy it ~ FAST! I am going to change the direction of this blog. This will become by blog about the social networking power of working within the blogosphere. Man - that's pretty wordy huh? :-) People, people power blogs. People write, connection, argue, correct and support opinions. There is more to having a blog than simply writing. The near failure of this blog is my fault because I haven't poured enough of "me" into the writings, the posts.

So ... with all this said - Glad to have you find me here - Let's connect and talk!

It's not enough to read someoneone's blog or even laugh, cry as you read their thoughts and feelings... it's when you stop long enough to say how the post "strikes" you. Tell me, how does it feel to stumble onto a blog where you know nothing about the person behind the words? What questions do you have for them?
What would really force your hand to say "hi" or "I don't think so!" even "that stinks"? I really would like to know.

Tammy (online marketer enthusiast and affiliate business owner closing in on my two year anniversary of working on the net)

Extreme Business Makeover - Mark Joyner Videos

Well, after all the talk and previews - it's almost here... Have you heard the next release by Nitro Marketing? I just wanted to give a quick update about the Extreme
Business Makeover... Of course, there has been alot of buzz in the Internet marketing
community because this information is something else.

This information is changing the way people do business online (and offline) and is single-handedly skyrocketing profits for the select few people that have already
applied this information...

If you haven't yet checked out the audio and tons of videos yet make sure you do so right now, because they will only be available until Thursday night here

This is release is particularly exciting because it's not everyday you get a one
on one consultation with Mark Joyner!

You can check out the past videos here. ~ Tammy

The Right Dropshippers Can Make You a Fortune on eBay

Drop Shippers Can Make a Fortune on Ebay
Copyright 2006 by Jason James Auction Resource Network

Drop shipping has become the latest craze in business and is helping to drive the latest surge of new websites being created today. Drop shippers are creating multiple websites selling numerous product lines and making a fortune in the process. Just type any product you can think of into a search engine and just look at how many pages of websites come up-and most of them are drop shipping companies selling their wares!

Drop Shipping Benefits

The reason why drop shipping has become so popular and exploded so suddenly is that it is simply the most efficient way to sell retail goods. People surfing the web find a site selling a product they want and then make a purchase. The website owner (drop shipper) then passes that order along to their wholesaler along with payment and shipping costs.

From there, the wholesaler processes the order, packages the product with the website owner's business name on the packaging, and ships it directly to the customer. The website owner bought the product at wholesale price and then sold it to the customer for whatever price they thought they could charge, and profited from the difference. It really is pure genius!

But, there is more to this than you think and the beauty of dropshipping gets even better!

First of all, there is virtually no overhead because there is no store to operate (or employees to pay!) or any inventory to maintain. Stores like Wal-Mart may get better wholesale prices because they buy in such large quantities, but they still do not make as much profit on each item as a drop shipper due to the costs of operating their stores.

Drop Shipping with Ebay

Although websites are definitely cheaper to create and operate than a conventional retail store, they still can require a fairly sizeable investment of time and money. Between paying for servers and either creating or paying for content, websites can definitely eat up some time and money. But, this is where Ebay comes in.

For a small fee, you can post your wares on Ebay and benefit from the millions and millions of people who surf the site every year. This way, you never have to worry about maintaining any website and you can start selling products within a day or two.

Due to the incredible traffic on Ebay, it is definitely possible to make a fortune by drop shipping from the site. If you just think of the Ebay fee as a business expense, there really is no downside to the arrangement and it can definitely be more profitable than operating your own site and worrying about getting people to visit your site.

While some people may not like the idea of depending upon Ebay for their business, the fact remains that drop shippers can substantially benefit from the partnership.

Due to the incredibly low operational costs of drop shipping, the Ebay fee is a very small price to pay for the convenience and high traffic offered by the site. If you are thinking about going into drop shipping but are not crazy about the idea of creating and operating your own website, consider posting from Ebay because the benefits far outweigh the small fee charged by the site.

Jason James is a 10 year Internet marketing veteran and an eBay Seller of 4 years. His website "The Auction Resource Network" reveals his inside secrets, tips, and sources that help him pocket over $10,000 per month on eBay. His proven step-by-step system shows even users with little or no business experience how they too can make huge profits selling products at online auctions.

Insider Secrets to Email Marketing - Derek Gehl's Email Guide

Just Released: Version 2006 of Derek Gehl's advanced email guide, "Insider Secrets to Email Marketing."

Get over 390 pages of the exact strategies and test results that Derek used to earn $3.5 Million last year alone!

If you want to quickly build an email list of 1,000s of qualified buyers... get "whitelisted" with Yahoo, AOL, and Hotmail and guarantee the delivery of every email you send... discover the 3 NEW criteria used by "spam filters" to deliver your email... and MUCH more...

... then check out this comprehensive new guide to generating massive profits through email marketing RISK FREE! Click here now.