Saturday, November 18, 2006

Business Blog - Do you have a hard time staying Focused? I do!

Over the last year I have dabbled in blogging from a business perspective - I started with a blog here on Blogger that got wisked away by their automated program then I started again with this one. Ironically - I've learned to love Wordpress because the search engines seem to gobble posts to Wordpress and index them FAST. Still, I have a couple blogs on Blogger - Eliminate Debt - Create Wealth and this one. The others I have started on Blogger just didn't hold my attention long enough. As for my other blogs, let's see:

WAHM Connections - an online home business resource that discusses everything home business but it never developed into a very focused home business blog - WAHM Connections then some Marketing Basics posts defined my second blog on WAHM Connections. You can read it here - but again - couldn't seem to create a "laser-focus" as I wanted :-( I still post there especially niche marketing insights.

Then I built an affiliate marketing blog which I worked hard to keep it about being an online affiliate marketer. A couple weeks ago I threw up my hands and said "Tammy, you just want to start from the beginning with SOMETHING" so I am now doing just that with Internet Marketing Strategies - Start Up Tips. This new blog is on the same domain - but I feel it's going to work much better because I'm staying close to the theme of "start up" and baby steps to marketing online. Internet Marketing Strategies

That particular domain also has a website apart from the blogs - Success Connection which is all about creating a successful business by growing YOU. Coaching you to success - it was more of a test site because I wasn't sure how to share what I knew at the time. Success Connection - Create the Successful Entrepreneur in YOU.

Finally of course - my two truly niche blogs are indeed successful:

Selling On eBay Tips and Holiday Decorating Ideas - Somehow, I just intuitively knew how to keep them focused. Go figure. Let's talk about your blogs - do you have a hard time keeping the focus tight, the theme focused? What do you do to keep you blog from meandering off into unrelated stuff?

Tammy - Business Blog Resources
WAHM Connections


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