Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Google Adsense Niche Web Site Templates - 100 Brand New Templates

Joel Comm released his big Instant Adsense Templates today at noon EST and they are almost half gone. This package is huge - I've seen it! Now I know - There’s alot of talk about how to make money with Google Adsense.

Joel wanted to create a package of adsense ready templates for different niche websites that could help you build your own Google Adsense Profits.

We’re talking 100 brand-new, totally original templates optimized for Google AdSense…Plus over one hour of brand-new video designed to show anyone how they can instantly launch a site using this product…

Joel has put together a 40-page manual that provides step by step instructions for putting all the pieces together…

We’re talking something for everyone that wants to build an online business with Google Adsense - using templates for niche sites, Blogger, Wordpress, PhpBB and even templates for XSitePro.

Remember, only 2000 sets were made available and they are flying out fast!
His servers are getting slammed so see if you can take a peek at what comes in Joel’s Instant Adsense Templates

Let me know what you think! Tammy


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